All in Motherhood

Why Bother With Hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing didn’t work for me. Hypnobirthing set me up with false expectations. Nothing can prepare you for birth. You hear this stuff all the time so why would you bother spending your hard earned cash to prepare for a better birth if isn’t 100% guaranteed to get you the exact outcome you want?

There are plenty of reasons - let’s stop the confusion!

Read on lovely…

5 Ways to Supercharge Your Birthing Confidence

Does birth come easy to some women? Those ones with the inner glow who float around as though they don’t have a care in the world. Truth is birth comes easier when you understand how your body and mind work together and what you can do to support them to allow birth to be a more comfortable process.

Here are five ways to get you onto the right path.

Enjoy! xx