Beyond Birth - A Gentle Way To Heal Birth Trauma

Beyond Birth - A Gentle Way To Heal Birth Trauma


Sometimes birth doesn’t go the way you wanted and you’re left with feelings that threaten to override the joy of early motherhood, and sometimes you don’t realise the extent of your feelings about your baby’s birth until you become pregnant for a second or third time and that upset resurfaces.

Whichever situation you find yourself in, know that we can support your mind to process those obsessive and disruptive feelings so that you release the pain AND hold onto any important learnings that you need to (and it can happen in a gentle, nurturing way).

How do we do this? At a pace and speed that’s just right for you.

I am a clinical hypnotherapist, a mindset coach, and a yoga teacher; you are in confidential and incredibly safe hands.

Typically we will work together over three sessions to create a deep shift, and help you move to a place of peace.

Session 1:

I’ll ask you IF you would like to share any details of your birth experience with me; if you prefer, we can also work without going into any of the details. This is a safe space where your voice is respected; you call the shots.

Once you are ready, the session will end with a deep relaxation.

Session 2:

This session is entirely based on hypnosis and relaxation that will help to restructure the way that your memory stores the birth experience; snuggle under a cosy blanket and expect to feel significantly better (even if that seems impossible right now).

Session 3:

This is a catch all session. Typically at this point you have already noticed a major shift in how you feel on a daily basis as well as how your feelings towards your birth experience have changed. If you feel you need additional support beyond this session we’ll discuss what that could look like.

If you prefer to talk to me before booking or have unanswered questions, you can email: or drop me a WhatsApp message on 07787 701 131.

If you are ready to book, please do so below; I’ll be in touch to arrange for your first session (in-person or online).


Sophia x

I'm ready to heal from birth trauma